Created with Your Business in Mind
- Thanks to real-colour technology, SEA.IQ sees just like the human eye, recognizing up to 16 families of defects.
- Defect size control and shape-sizing are integrated to ensure the highest safety and purity of end-products.
- SEA.IQ is available with 1 to 6 chutes to satisfy any production capacity requirement and for multiple passes.

Much More Than Full-Color
- Thanks to real-colour technology, SEA.CX sees just like the human eye, recognizing up to 16 families of defects.
- Defect size control and shape-sizing are integrated to ensure the highest safety and purity of end-products.
- SEA.CX is available with 1 to 7 chutes to satisfy any production capacity requirement and for multiple passes.

Full-Colour Technology Optical Sorter
- SEA.TR is equipped with SMART RGB Full-Colour cameras with 0.06 mm optical resolution, recognizing up to 8 families of defects.
- Available with 1 to 7 chutes to satisfy any production capacity requirement and for multiple passes.
- Covers the high-end segment of the market, whilst keeping investment to a minimum.

Beyond the Visible
- Uses Hyper Spectral Near-Infrared Sensors, which are able to identify different contaminants that have the same colour, but different chemical properties.
- High performance is obtained through the ultimate hyper spectral NIR technology, combined with the latest RGB full-colour high resolution cameras.
- Offers different levels of difficulty accessible.

Сортировщики промышленного применения
Решения для сортировки пластика, соли, минералов, металлов и стекла
- Широкий выбор сортировщиков и конфигураций позволяет Cimbria предлагать идеальные решения для различных промышленных применений (пластик, соль, минералы, металлы, стекло и т. д.).
- Позволяет восстанавливать измельченный пластик, хлопья и гранулы с добавленной стоимостью.
- Широко используется на предприятиях по переработке отходов, включая оконные профили из ПВХ, ПЭТ-бутылки, ПЭВП, WEE, автомобильные отходы (АБС, ПММА, ПК, ПП и т. д.) и другие материалы.